Gulfport, MS

Gulfport City interesting facts: 

  • Gulfport, Mississippi is the second largest city in Harrison County. 
  • Its population consists of 67,793 making it a high traffic tourist destination. 
  • The old towns of Gulfport are landmarks dating back to the Civil War, while the newly developed city consists of boat tours, music, food, casinos and art life. 
  • This family-friendly city experiences hot climate days more than usual but makes for the perfect sunny forecast. 
  • Despite the past hurricane Katrina event that caused destruction, the city continues to thrive with its industrial market.

Hurricane Safety and Preventative Damage  

Gulfport City is not new to the hurricane seasons and neither is Port City Industrial. Always prepared for hurricane safety, PCI is a material handling expert in pallet racking. 

  • Created with strong heavy-duty material to withstand abrasive weather conditions such as commonly used metal 
  • Vertical structure is implemented and highly used by engineering experts with pallets, forklift drivers can also access
  • Preventative maintenance and emergency services is an added company perk so that shutdown does not occur in the event of hurricanes
  • Added protective gear and accessories for pallet racking systems holds inventory secure while loading and unloading. It also helps prevent water damage from seeping or inventory from falling out. (Accessories include safety nets, wall ties, pallet support, row spacers, post protectors, safety pins and much more.)

Port City Industrial is the region’s experts in material handling equipment. We create the space so you won’t have to. Contact us today to speak about products that matter most for your business in the Gulfport, Mississippi area. Tel: 251-277-3444. Emergency services are available.

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